Provides a monthly benefit to safeguard your business against the loss of a key staff member or an owner due to illness or injury.This is may also be available for people starting a new business.
Provides monthly payments rather than a lump sum to your loved ones after your death
Provides essential protection for business owners and staff at discounted rates
Gives you access to select the best specialist and medical treatment when you need it as well as avoiding long public health waiting lists
Mortgage finance when purchasing a home or rental investment and refinancing your home loans.
Pays a percentage of your income if you are unable to work due to illness or injury.
Protect your loved one’s future by providing them with a lump sum payment if you pass away.
Provides monthly payments to meet your mortgage payments if you are unable to work due to illness or injury.
Redundancy Cover is currently unavailable, due to Covid-19.
To achieve better value for your money and pay a lower ACC levy.
Provides a monthly benefit to protect the ability of your farming operation to generate revenue if you are unable to work as a result of sickness or injury.
Provides a lump sum payment if you are totally and permanently disabled because of illness or injury.
Provides a lump sum payment when a critical illness or injury occurs i.e. heart attacks, strokes, various cancers.
Your family is the most important thing to you. You want to make sure that they are protected should anything happen. Many people insure their car and their home but neglect to insure themselves. Your ability to earn an income
over your working life is probably the greatest asset you have.
We provide advice, implement and monitor a risk protection plan to address the following:
✓Assess your current financial position
✓Ways to safeguard you and your family against loss of income due to accident and illness
✓How to provide for your family in the event of your premature death, injury or illness
Self employed and business owners need to make sure the running costs of their business can be maintained even if they aren’t managing the business hands on. Whether you are an established or a new business, let us show you where
you are at risk and how to manage this.
We provide advice, implement and monitor a risk protection plan to address the following:
✓How the company's profitability would be affected if a key person was incapacitated
✓Whether there are the necessary agreements and plans in place in the event a shareholder dies prematurely suffers a critical illness or becomes totally
✓How business loan obligations can be met without jeopardising personal assets
✓If your ACC has been structured cost effectively in line with your other insurances
and income structure
Your farm and your ability to run this generates the income you need to provide for you and your family, so a threat to the farming operation is also a threat to the family lifestyle. Revenue protection can help ensure that you
have a regular income so that your family can have financial security and protect your farming assets.
We provide advice, implement and monitor a risk protection plan to address the following:
✓Revenue streams if a key person is incapacitated
✓Whether there are the necessary agreements and plans in place in the event a shareholder dies prematurely suffers a critical illness or becomes totally
✓How loan obligations can be met
✓If your ACC Levies have been structured cost effectively in line with private insurance